Sunday, May 01, 2005


From henceforth, lavatories ought to come with warning signs drenched in neon colours.

Applying lip gloss had never been this hazardous. Busy with my own reflection, I failed to notice the figure plopped right next to me. There was no other soul in sight. Apparently, my attention was focused on... surprise, surprise -- myself. Unfortunately, the same could not be said of her, who was taking a long time to fiddle with her hair. Throwing a casual glance in her direction sent me reeling in horror. She/He/It greeted me with a smile and wink. Recoiling from shock, I kept my poise and headed for the nearest cubicle, my immediate refuge in the constraints of the loo. It was not long before self-reproach saw me venturing out again. This time, she/he/it was leaning against the sink, with arms folded across her/his/its chest. She/He/It beamed at me yet again. Strike Two. I fled the scene immediately. She/He/It trailed behind, sending me scuttling for the nearest escape route. For some strange reason, her/his/its shadow eventually diminished. Relief had never been this intense!P-H-E-W!


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