Tuesday, May 31, 2005

From the desk of ME-Shell

Dear Miss K.P. Oh,
With regards to the previous inferno on my constant refusal to divulge my online blog, I humbly beseech that you glaze over the following reasons which may/may not answer your queries:
  • My blog is a sacred shine. It hosts my thoughts and feelings. Reining me in is a niggling sense of pride. In other words, exposing myself to the world and contributing to someone else's gossip palate isn't exactly a prime choice.
  • If you've noticed (or rather, if you've bothered to notice), my posts are all about M-E. That's right. I'm staying true to my moniker ME-Shell. It is I. My comfort zone is within this hollow, intangible shell where I've carved an identity for myself. An unconscious deficit in self-esteem? Narcissistic? Aye, perhaps. It's the only place I get to be who I want to be & what I want to be. ME-Shell's the boss here.
  • My cellar of escapism, no doubt, lies on this screen, staring back at me. As the letters dance across the screen, I'm trying to make sense of current ongoings, situations, circumstances, tangles, whatever-you-deem-it. Translating transient objects of subconsciousness into virtual musings is a skill that needs to be constantly honed. Bundling the two objectives seems only logical.
  • Stumbling across your cousin's friend's ex-girlfriend's brother's blog isn't fluff conjured out of drama serials. Coincidences do occur, unfortunately, often at the wrong stakes. Deprivation and elimination are hence, the best ways to avoid offending your auntie's former neighbour's nephew's cousin unsuspectingly. Just as this letter is targetted at you, Honourable Ms K.P.Oh, you would remain blissfully unaware of the presence of this scathing article. Really, you don't have to thank me for it.
  • Back to Point One, I suppose you could tilt your head towards the bolts and locks on your door. Yes, I'm guarding against lashbacks, just as you are forestalling potential pilferers. Judgements, chidings and the works are best avoided when Nobody knows Anything. You see, in our human makeup, there is an inclination in assuming the Superior Position with self-righteous vigour. That's anything but desirable.
  • Fundamentally, the perception of weakness is unacceptable. The pedestal must not waver. Consistency is key. Strength & congruency gain acceptance, and really, that is all I want to be - accepted. It is a simple quest fraught with many obstacles.

I would like to express my appreciation of your concerted concern. Meanwhile, you may contact me at 1800-LEAVE-ME-ALONE (toll-free) for further clarification. Thank you for your time.
Yours Sincerely,
Miss ME-Shell T.


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