Sunday, June 05, 2005

Sat-urday Act-tivity

I sat with my chin propped on my palms. Watching the waves crashing against the shore, I had an innate burden. Surrounding me were drones of laughter, billowing tents cramped with family enthusiasts, parents chiding their bundles of joy and other sights. Me? I had an impeccable shroud of silence for company. One. Two. Two streams of tears ran down my cheeks. Unnoticed, I wiped them away hurriedly.

"Helloooo, Nur!" I chirped merrily into the phone, metamorphosizing into my usual social butterfly mode. "Dinner? Sorry, I've plans. Some other day, ok?" As I placed the phone into my bag, I congratulated myself for being an Oscar-worthy actress. Dinner? Famished since I'd skipped breakfast and lunch, scraps of palatable edibles would suffice. Plans? Indeed. I had plans to stare at the sea, wallowing in solitude.

Sunset soon beckoned. I got up to my feet and wiped the sand off my shoes.


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