Monday, July 18, 2005

Mathematics by XXF

I shall spare you the nitty gritties of the ongoing XXF saga. Neither will I seek to scrutinize and conjure conspiracy theories. The voices of the public are invariably raging against the figures disclosed so far. Critically speaking, when these people expound their rage against you-know-who's salary & his privileges, I feel that the crux of the issue has been lost in this saga and that is, the patients and their future welfare.

The public ingests each figure revealed by the day and commits them to pure memory, revelling in subconscious delight while casually mentioning the numbers in their speeches with the Mr Tans & Mdm Lims. Why do these people actually wait with baited breath as each day unfolds a new revelation? Do they really care? Is there a genuine outrage at the funds being "channelled inappropriately" at the "public's expense" or is the root of the disgruntled masses tinged with envy? Envy at the fella travelling first-class. Envy at a six-figured annual salary. Envy at the fleet of luxury cars at his disposal. Envy. Envy. Envy.

Much has been said, discussed, scrutinized, dissected, evaluated, analysed, chopped and stirred in garlic. The media has had a field day shelling out reports to whet the public's appetite. Despite the extensive coverage over this saga, is the critical Voice being heard? The Voice of each individual patient and those in the line, as surmounting pressure accumulates daily, with the future of the divergence of funds dangling precariously, who listens to this Voice? Or has this singular collective Voice been drowned out by the cries of the masses? Overshadowed by the innocuous media fodder?

Interestingly, an article mentioned that despite rooting for the same cause, the XXF and the XX Foundation's garnering of funds had a multiple-fold difference. Therein lies the glitzy packaging of the XXF, appealing to the public's whims and fancies. Many have since halted their contributions to the XXF, claiming that they've been cheated. The salary scheme of the XXF and the numerous toilet fittings of contentment are not for me to comment on. What really drives these people to withdraw their financial chips is probably the indirect contribution to you-know-who's salary. It's not as if I'm deliriously plonking my cash to fuel his lifestyle. Consider this scenario: If every $0.52 of that single dollar you contribute goes to the patients, at least half of the money is utilised for the genunine cause. If you donate $0, the patients get absolutely nothing at all. It's simple mathematics. I'd rather contribute to someone's paycheck than cause the languishing of a sufferer.


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