Flights of Fancy

Well, he's joined Power98's PowerJam, a band competition. Guess what? After whittling down to the final 5, he's still part of the competition. His band? The Great Spy Experiment. He showed us a clip online and I've got to say they're pretty good. At Contact Time today, Fandy related to us how he was caught offguard when DJ Mario called him up and requested that he articulated "Hi, this is Fandy. Catch us ......(not sure about the content) ". Fandy ended up with an accent that lent suspicion to him being part of the closet camp. Leroy was chortling as Fandy repeated his lines.

Music Day's coming up. Leroy and I are the organisers. It's going to be a competition of sorts akin to Singapore Idol, Project Superstar and the likes, with elimination processes meted out. Local celebrity guest judges will be invited to participate in this event. Right now, Project Superstar's Male Finalist Hong Junyang, has been tentatively added to the list, thanks to Jiahui who's in his cell group. I'm liasing with Sly's (yes, Sylvester Sim) manager to check if his schedule permits. (Eat your hearts out, girls! I've the number! Ok, that was a juvenile moment.) Leroy is pushing for press coverage. Hopefully, Ai Li will be able to cover this event for Straits Times. I suppose it's subjected to her editor's approval. Ai Li suggested using Ginny, but I figured that Ginny wasn't exactly a household name yet. I'd met Ginny last week but had lost her contact number together with my phone. Thanks to Ai Li, I've managed to retrieve her contact. I guess Ginny can be our backup plan.
Well, everything's still in the stage of infancy...I like that word...In-fancy. If everything fancy goes as planned, then you may just witness our pilot project in print! If not, well, there will be the usual pictures posted here.....Oh well......
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