Thursday, September 01, 2005

Happy Teachers' Day!

Good morning, world! Well, technically, it's 3.45pm now and half the day's gone. -yawn- Happy Teachers' Day to all educators out there!

A summary of yesterday's events:
- received an avalanche of presents and cards from pupils. Alywin, my former pupil in 2002, actually came back to hand a present to me. I was genuinely touched by his simple gesture. Another pupil handed me a card on which her simple, sincere words moved me and reminded me why I had joined the profession in the first place.
- Initially, i had anticipated the usual dreary sit-down dinners we've been accustomed to at Meritus Mandarin Hotel every single year. Dank wasn't free for drinks as he had a meeting to attend. Fortunately, the dinner was fun for once and it got to the extent whereby half of us were probably high on alcohol, which led to more noise and silly antics. Our school would probably garner votes for being the wildest last night. The activities led by the emcee (a senior mediacorp artiste) of the entertainment company piled on the screams and laughter. The "Ah Lian" group, led by Jiahui, won the Best Cheer in which they had scrambled at the last minute to pull off a perfect "Ah Lian" rap in Hokkien.Pure entertainment as they rapped effortlessly "Pang qiu kee lai, Pang qiu kee lai, yo yo yo...." (read: raise your hands up, raise your hands up, yo yo yo..." I cannot recall the rest of the rap!)
- The celebration drew to a close at 11pm. About twenty of us made our way to dbl O where we drank and danced, drank and danced, drank and danced... shuttling between dbl O and O bar till it was past 3am.
- Seven of us ended the night with a simple supper that consisted of yummy pratas.
- Hit the bed at 5am.

Pictures & details of the mentioned event will be put up later....

For the first time in a long while, I was really, really happy last night. =)


Blogger Dank said...

Happy Teachers' Day!

9:40 PM, September 04, 2005  

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