Date : 16 September 2005, Friday Event : - PSLE Listening Comprehension (morning) - Mr Raju's (HOD - PE) Birthday Celebration (afternoon) Place : Safra Resort (Shore Restaurant) --> Fantastic resort ambience Bill : close to $700 Present: less than $200
While talking to LL at 8am, she lunged at me suddenly and swept me off my feet. As she let go of me abruptly, my brand new heels scraped against my foot. "OWWWWWWWW! " Too late. Fresh red blood oozed out of that perfect line and an itsy bitsy ball of flesh peeled away from my foot, igniting cries of "eeeew!" and wrinkled noses. This picture was taken at night and it was STILL bleeding. -_-

Being the early birds, Jayne and I had nothing to do. snapped this picture of Kelvin speaking to Mr Lee. Note Kelvin's stance. You can't take the student out of Kelvin!

Mr Raju's birthday present - a digital G-shock. Low drove Jiahui,Charlene,Bee Hong and I to Tampines Mall to purchase this before rushing to Shore Restaurant.

Charlene and I wrapping the gift in a hurry.

Charlene and I : "Left over right or right over left?"

Group shot: Sand, Sun, Wind. Lovely!

Group Shot 2: More Sand, Sun, Wind!

Group Shot 3: Under the shade. Wind in our hair. Sea on our left. Splendid!

LL getting in the way (again!) as I tried to take a candid shot of the 4 guys.

Jiahui leaping onto LL...

Jiahui on Liana instead, with LL holding on in relief.

Delectable Mango ice-cream....-slurp-

Liana to me: "You weigh nothing!"

Kelvin trying to be cool. Fandy just can't resist touching himself, can he? Leroy's trying to get his head out of the way. Nice try, guys.

Individual serving of the mango ice-cream. The cost of the ice-cream alone is an eye-popping $120. Yes, we had that "good-grief-it's-one-hundred-and-twenty-dollars?!" bewilderment. O_O

Happy Birthday, Mr Raju! -clap clap-
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