My hairstyle of the night. For some strange reason, many teachers from the other schools & even my colleagues asked to touch my hair. A table of teachers was even debating the possibility of me donning a wig since the curls were evenly done. For the record, every strand of hair here is rooted into my scalp. One of my superiors gushed and said that I looked like "a lovely doll". Actually, I didn't quite like the overall styling. I guess the compliments made me feel better... (Note: Despite the curls and formal get-up, I was stopped at dbl O for my IC. What a bummer!)

Jason looking utterly bored while waiting for the programme to commence. A total of six schools gathered in the expansive (and expensive) ballroom. U*B's Number One is very generous indeed.

The Ah Lian gang all spruced up in accordance to the theme "Back to School" while I stick out like a sore thumb in my black halter and asymmetrical skirt without my level teachers.

Land of the Serious. My HOD's next to me. A wonderful superior to have...

The obligatory mugshot with the P4 teachers. Things were a tad too quiet after a while and so, I wandered off .....

Where's Mich?

Negotiating with the Leader of the Lian tribe.

The Ah Lian gang fails to recruit Fandy & me.

Here's Fandy getting in touch with his feminine side. Kelvin's chuckling in the background.

Can you sense Fandy's apprehension on stage? The guy has no inkling nor anticipation of what would happen next....

Jiahui's solo effort in scribbling on Fandy's back for the Best Theme Prize. (Note: Fandy pasted Post-It Notes on his chest for modesty's sake.)

Jiahui & LL's final joint effort.
***** This is only a fraction of the numerous photographs which were taken through the night. As expected, Murphy decided to unleash her Law and my camera battery went flat at this point of time.*****
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