Thursday, October 27, 2005

A Letter from S

Dear Mich,

i agree that life here in Sydney is slower and more fun!
My parents have been pushing me to go back.. I will
probably be able to get a jobquite easily as my
know contacts n pull strings but the morale is bad in
spore.... I will go back spore for good maybe in 6/7
years down the road... I amstarting my PHD
next year
and has negotiated a 4 days week work without changing
my salary so once i finish my PHD, I will come back to
teach in uni.. oh i am a business analyst/quality
executive where i look into all the
processes with
the managers and improve them.. thats the nutshell of
it.. hopefully be able to climb to managerial position
in a few years as promised by my general manager...
(though competitionis rather keen
so promise might be

I got myself a two bedrm townhouse near the city and
i got myself a golden retriever (not a baby! Totally
agree with you about kids). He is called Bobby and
he is now 1 year and half.. I will attach pics of him.

I have been dating for about 2 years with an engineer
(Singaporen)..think i am more interested in his work
whichis about renewable energy..they use banana skins
and pig shit to convert energy on large scale (cool
and i always bug him on how they work... i am also
contemplating another guy who is working as a training
manager in Sony (Australian) (he got heaps of money
driving nissan z4 n owns his own house & he is ONLY
years old! My age!)Feel a little inferior next
to him coz he is definitely a high flier compared to me..
oh well... i will pray about it and see how it goes...
AND enough of me!

Poor Del. I used to think he has alot going for
himself. What happened to him? Y being so comfortable
with so little for a graduate? Cool, got himself an
accountant so y do the girl's parents reject? Too
(Remember how my mum was so mean about the economic
status of his family!) Well, this time round, she is
freaking happy that i am dating a rich businessman
son who is an engineer working here and
that Sony guy (Being sarcastic) (but she's not too keen
coz he is an aussie). Sometimes,its so hard to distance
yourself from your parents even with the physical
distance being so far...

Nah i am not in contact with YH.. but i met her JC
friend here, I think its Jackie or something.. she
was going to the same pub as I was in the city but
that was quite a few years ago.. didnt remain contact

with her coz i lost my mobile...

i think i have written a very long essay ..
will call you on weekend! Cheers!
It's complicated. S's my "sister" who was introduced
by YH when we were 15.At that time, YH, PB, FC and
I were bunched as a clique but YH and I soon broke
away with S. S & I were inseparable. We had the same
taste in guys (heh heh), clothes, music, food, et al.
Later, our clique would expand to include Yusheng, Vic,
Tally, Paul, Jiasheng & Audrey.Through it all, S and I
often popped into each other's homes after school, hung
out with Yusheng and got into a lot of nonsense together.
Coincidentally, her parents were from BBTC. Fortunately,
they have since decided to head to another church.
Often fixated on material wants herself, her mother
would,ironically, blame us for influencing S into
purchasing branded goods. (Aside: I need to clarify this.
She deemed Giordano and U2 to be branded goods. I do NOT
purchase stuff from Giordano & U2 as the sizes are way
too big for me.)

(1) When S brought Vic home, her mother calmly walked to
the kitchen and (i kid you not!) took a knife before
warning Vic.
(2) Her mother actually went to Del's home and blasted
them for not being rich enough.
(3) Her mother would lock up the remote controls for
the television and VCD player in a SAFE.

Stuff fabricated from drama serials? Nope, those incidents
did happen. I'm just happy that things have turned out well
for S after all these years.


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