Boo Hoo!

Unknown to me, it was soon 6.45pm and I whizzed into the toilet to bathe & change. Fortunately, the time was changed to 8pm. Instinctively, I grabbed my denim capris, a green tube and my white shell necklace.
Slicked on some hair wax, foundation, eyebrow powder, eyeliner & lip gloss. Good to go, yo! Chatted with Kris for a while. He's going bonkers while grappling a balance between studies, NS (he's overaged as he is from Hong Kong) & issues involving C.
Danny made contact from Brunei. Apparently, he's going to be there for quite a while.
Ange called. She wants me to take a look at her lime green dress soon. Our cold war's finally over and resolved. That girl's quite a clothes horse. Flip to papers whenever HSBC has a full page advertisement with four or

The phone rang and as I rushed down to the waiting bay, I'd forgotten to take my digicam and as a result, no pics for tonight, save for these two prior to my exeunt.
For some weird reason, my DBS platinum card refused to work. (Hey, I pay all my bills on time! Hello, bank!) I call that my 'fake' platinum card, because really, I don't earn 10k a month. (As if that was unbelievable to begin with. Ha!) Fortunately, I had my Citibank Gold to swipe with. However, that was an utterly embarrassing moment, redeemed by the other card thankfully. I have a really bad habit in having little or no cash in my wallet as any form of cash would be gone by the end of the day. (Yes, I'm the one who uses her card to pay for a $7.60 meal at Delifrance & $4.60 cab fare!)
Boo hoo!
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