Sunday, December 18, 2005


Q: Why is Mich sitting at an internet cafe right now?
A: Because she is angry.

Q: What is Mich angry about?
A: Everything.

Q: What does 'everything' constitute?
A: 'Everything' constitutes a whole, not a fraction.

Q: So, what's the whole fuss (or farce) about, really?
A: Why would you want to know?

Q: C'mon. Tell us.
A: Everything is really about nothing at all. You know, much ado about nothing. Ha!

That's just precisely how everything is. Everything is about nothing, really, if you put it in different perspective. You can magnify it, diminish it, eradicate it, propagate it. You can do just about anything, if you want to do something about it.

Minute details aside, I have to slink away into some obscure corner, tuck myself away out of sight and wallow. Just


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