Sunday, December 11, 2005

Hen Party - Cluckatoo o_O

So, tonight was supposed to be my night. Clubbing at Club Momo with VIP table & champagne awaiting me. Fantastic, right? It couldn't be more wrong.

Desmond did warn me about Club Momo last night amidst dinner with Diana & Daniel. Well, he was proven right on two occasions. First, Rui was denied entry as he was six months short of fulfilling the age requirement of 21. Next, the bouncer was utterly rude to me. That soured the night. Totally unaware that I had connections with the manager via my friend, he spoke with a condescending tone. Furious, I got him to get his manager while I got my friend to mediate. Triumphantly, Rui was allowed to enter on the account of the manager's kind understanding. I would like to note that the manager of Club Momo was extremely tactful and he handled the situation well while the bouncer, well, I've nothing nice to say about him. We hung around, ordered some drinks, got my champagne & took some pictures.

After an hour or so, Del suggested heading to Coco Latte at Gallery Hotel. B-I-G mistake. The place was pathetically small and all of us were bored to tears. There goes the cover charge for 8 people, paid by yours truly.

O bar was on the agenda next. A stone's throw away, it was crowded but the queue moved rather quickly. By this time, Daniel had arrived although he was thoroughly bushed. However, time slipped by and before we could enter O bar / Dbl O, it was 1.30 am. Del & Angelina bade goodbye while the rest of us went for supper at Lao Par Sat.

There, we had 20 sticks of satay. Additionally, Rui had fried rice while Bryan had some dessert. Low & his wife settled for wanton mee. As for Daniel, he went to purchase starfruit juice from Cheers. I'm utterly apologetic towards Rui & Bryan who had sacrificed their precious Saturday for me (aside: I bet you can't tell that Rui is an SAF scholar while Bryan is a future journalist who has had articles printed in Today.) As for Daniel, what else can be muttered but the utterance of 'sorry'? Had I known that Dbl O wasn't meant to be, I wouldn't have asked him over. Angelina has a roadshow tomorrow. Sorry, gal. =(

So, that's it. My fantastic night out. Whoa, memorable eh? Not.

This is certainly not my week. Perhaps it's because something else is on my mind. Its looming presence is too great to ignore. As mentioned earlier, circumstances are beyond my control. A choice must be made soon. It's a choice that I do not want to face up to till it corners me. It's something I've been trying to dismiss but I cannot deny that its presence is anything but negligible.

When will I be forced to come to terms with this? Is it in the near future? Will it never surface? Predictions are never accurate and guesses are often misses.

At the end of the day, what is the expected resultant? To this, I lack a definite answer. What's certain is that one day, the twain shall meet.


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