I chanced upon
this great site on the different genres of art. I've an inclination towards works of the Abstract Expressionists. Bold lines and the gradients of juxtaposing colours are particularly alluring. Rather appealing are the oils of Surrealists & Cubists too, not to mention paintings of the familiar Renaissance & Impressionists.
Below: Alexei Jawlensky's "Resting Light". The stony gradient and sharp, angular lines connotate the stoicism behind this weary face. Deft, bold strokes amplify this. (erm, that's my own interpretation, so don't quote me on this!)

Below: This Symbolism depiction of "Ophelia" is compelling to me. The words we pronounce have no meaning except through the silence in which they are bathed. Death obliterated Ophelia's loss of rationale in Hamlet when she drowned. Water, a symbol of baptism and cleansing in Literature, takes on a dual role. (ok, ok....so that's my own interpretation again.)
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