暧昧 - 杨丞琳
暧昧 - 杨丞琳 (click to download the mp3)
暧昧让人受尽委屈 找不到相爱的证据
Ambiguity lets one suffer when one is unable to find the evidence of a reciprocated love.
何时该前进 何时该放弃 连拥抱都没有勇气
To press forward or to let it go?
只能陪你到这里 毕竟有些事不可以
I can only accompany you up to this point of time, after all, some things cannot be undertaken.
超过了友情 还不到爱情 远方就要下雨的风景
Beyond the boundary of friendship, before the shore of love, witness the approaching rain in the distance.
到底该不该哭泣 想太多是我还是你 我很不服气
Should my tears fall as I think of you and me? I am indignant
也开始怀疑 眼前的人 是不是同一个 真实的你
And I've started to wonder if you are the same person I once knew.
暧昧让人受尽委屈 找不到相爱的证据
Ambiguity lets one suffer when one is unable to find the evidence of a reciprocated love.
何时该前进 何时该放弃 连拥抱都没有勇气
To press forward or to let it go?
暧昧让人变得贪心 直到等待失去意义
Ambiguity fuels an increasing desire. Hope dwindles as while one waits indefinitely.
无奈我和你 写不出结局 放遗憾的美丽 停在这里
Helpless to the fact that you and I are unable to complete the ending to our fairytale, this beautiful regret stops here.
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