Thursday, January 12, 2006

Stricken with Gastric

Today is the third time in a week that I've been inflicted with gastric. To save on my medical bills (the cumulated cost of the previous 2 visits is $84), I decided to head to a polyclinic. After the mandatory check-up, the doctor concluded that the recurring gastric attacks were stress-induced, particularly so as the occurence of pain was cyclic. I shook my head when he asked if I faced any stress at work. Then, he placed his pen on the table and looked at me.

Mentioning that the physical pain was only a symptom, he stated I had to address the root of the problem. Up till that moment, I was certain that the irregularity of my meals triggered the bouts of pain. Therefore, to be told otherwise, came as a rude shock for me. I could only stare and offer a weak smile as he spoke calmly. Gently, he said that I could talk to him and he would listen. Moments of silence passed and nary a word left my lips.

I sought medical advice and the alternative avenues. I was told that if the issue was not resolved and it were to trigger the physical pain persistently, I may need to undergo a scope examination at the hospital.

I came home and I cried.
I've never felt this lonely in my life.


Blogger Dank said...

Two words...

First word: Sleep.

Second word: More.

5:31 PM, January 13, 2006  

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