Tuesday, February 21, 2006

1 000 pages

1 000 pages of marking? Certainly, that was my workload today. Forgoing lunch, loo breaks & anything which interrupted my momentum, I managed to complete this lulling insanity in 4 hours. Coupled with the serene ambience of the garden located within the school premises, tackling this task was made easier. The staff room had too many distractions whizzing about - colleagues chatting, pupils trickling in and out, phones buzzing, lack of space, drowsy onslaught after lunch, and more. Elimination of all these factors increased the output efficiency, which translates to walking out of that gate ahead of the projected time. I'm certainly not complaining about that! =D

Working smart means getting everything done in a fraction of the stipulated time, without compromising on the quality so that you're able to put the remaining hours to good use in other areas. Working hard means putting in countless hours, but time is wasted on frivolous affairs like lunch, chatting and a decrease in speed due to lethargic bouts after lunch. Working smart means being focused without getting distracted easily. It's almost an obssession within the time frame in which you're engaged in your work. Nothing else matters till you complete the task. Efficiency is key and nothing should disrupt you. Working hard is stringing disjointed thoughts & activities prone to engagements unrelated to work. Thus, you spend time at the pantry making coffee, going to the loo & chatting with whoever you meet in there, strolling back to the office and making small talk on the way, squirming at the lack of space and wonder after two hours why nothing has been done.

Which of the two describes your work style? To work hard or to work smart?


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