Saturday, February 18, 2006

= Tick Tock Tick Tock =

Searching for a free countdown ticker was easy. I couldn't quite fit the countdown ticker into the side and so, I placed it at the top instead. All was well yesterday, with nary a fault in the afternoon. Not quite the expert in IT, I was rather baffled when the ticker went on a sudden strike on my blog at night but could work on Alex's. Attempts to retrieve new tickers were foiled as some available were inappropriate (graduation, baby shower, et al). To cut the long story short, after fiddling with new tickers and reconfiguring, I've decided to leave the original one here. Currently, it is working fine. However, should it decide to throw a hissy fit, all one can see is an X in its place. Grrrrr......

Mr X, now you've got to get Mich more pressies! Heh. =)


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