Friday, March 17, 2006

The Futility of Words

As children, we were spontaneous, boisterous, zealous and noisy.
Slowly, that ebbed away as we were admonished by stern adults.

Adult A: ^%&#^@&*#^@*
Adult B: $^*&^$&W#^&(@#&)@()!&
Adult C: ##&@^#(@^#(&%*#$)#$@*#_@*#)!!!!

We emerge as apathetic, blasé, laconic and muted adults. Why has our enthusiasm been quelled? Where did that little eager beaver with the sparkle in his/her eyes go to? Why is silence irrevocable?

Along the pathway of life, we've mastered the tactic of reticence for the following reasons:
  1. To avoid conflict.
  2. To eschew the consequential awkward silence
  3. To dodge a potential rift arising from the wrong choice of words.
  4. To maintain status quo and preserve the original state of being.
  5. To remain blithely in the shadows.
  6. To obviate the responsibility of dealing & being bogged with yet another quandary.
  7. To formulate a coherent response.
  8. To mull over the question and come to a decision.
  9. To sidestep an intrinsic discourse.
  10. To ignore its insignificance.
The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate.
Sometimes,answers vary. Occasionally, there's a singular result. Periodically, all efforts come to naught when a quest for a plausible answer fails.

Why is one silent?
Why are they silent?
Why are we silent?
Why am I silent?
Why are you silent?

No questions nor comments? Class dismissed.


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