Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Course of UM (Understanding Mich)

Apparently, my mind must be constantly occupied with tiny little roadrunners scuttling on the cogwheels to prevent my existence from being snuffed out. I'm always thinking of this, of that, of these, of those, of argh. Sometimes, to derail my incessant train of thoughts, I'd have to forcibly change the direction of cognition.

"You think too much," someones (that's more than just one "someone") once said to me. Indeed I do. I like to dig, probe, pry and analyse every detail that throws itself in my face. I'm talking about circumstances surrounding my own little sphere. A stickler for privacy and a true-to-nature Scorpio being, I understand and respect others' need for their intrinsic serene state of mind. This can be attributed to my belief that if I'd wanted to tell you, you wouldn't need to have to pry it out of me. The topic in mention would naturally find its course into our conversation. Thus, the reverse must be true. Of course, at times, I may have a fountain of words at the tip of my tongue but I'm waiting for a catalystic question that would open the gates of communication. Yes, the pendulum swings with a dilemma-ridden oscillation and the two notions are contradictory. Well, I am a woman, aren't I? And you know what they say about women.

Malfunctioning in duality, my likes and dislikes lie on the extreme ends of the continuum. Equally eccentric is this - a master of concealing my innermost thoughts, I'm candid yet astonishingly able to keep mum on issues which are of utmost significance to me.

This is Mich.
Hear me roar.
(and whine and groan and shriek and....)

In Beng lingo : Wah, why you so like that one?


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