Wednesdays are terrible. A tight schedule aside, there's always accompanying administrative work.
- 7.30 to 9.30 am: Lessons
- 9.30 to 10 am: Recess (read: time to get those pesky ones to complete their corrections and slipshod work.)
- 10am to 11 am: Lessons
- 11 am to 12pm: Assembly (read: there goes my free periods)
- 12 pm to 12.30pm: Register for courses via the intranet
- 12.30pm to 1.45pm: Contact Time + SEM meeting + liasing with Wendi on an integrated annual programme
- 1.45pm to 2 pm: Wolfed down "mee pok" for lunch
- 2 pm to 3 pm: Level meeting & jotting minutes
- 3pm to 4.00pm: CCA
- 4 pm to 4.45 pm: Assigned uniforms to CCA members
Finally, I could take a breather at 5pm after being on my feet for prolonged periods.

What Mich wore to work today (black depicts my mood of the day)

My pretty classroom

Yee Jia: Eh, we're the ladies in black!

That is not Mich's hand.

Another lady jumps on the bandwagon: Mrs Ho (she was
my DM when I was in primary school!)

Karen, Mrs Ho, Liana, Yee Jia, Mich
Chorus: Whoopie! Time to knock off!
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