- Each raindrop pelts noisily against the glass pane. He is about to leave to fetch his heavily-pregnant wife by bus. Someone insists on having his umbrella because she wants to leave. When this is met with refusal, Someone promptly snatches the umbrella out of his hands and exits. He is stumped.
- Someone is standing in on her behalf. The stipulated time frame is 30 minutes. Shortly after, Someone learns that the absentee in the enclosed environment is down with chicken pox. Returning to the safe haven later, Someone creates a furore by pointing and accusing her of deliberate harm by keeping mum. Someone trumps with the sympathy card. Most guiless onlookers fall for Someone's dramatic overtures which include swaying, loud wailing, collapsing into the seat and flailing arms. Those in the know are disgusted.
- In the two years since Someone's arrival, loyal followers of the System have trickled out abruptly. On the surface, some have left for greener pastures. Few are in the know. A gentle, faithful and popular key figure up high on the ladder for the last ten years will leave in a few weeks. From the horse's mouth, Someone is the core reason. A few days ago, another has chosen to leave because of Someone. Those in the know are enraged that The One is blind to Someone's conniving ways.
- The upper hands of the System are kept in the dark because Someone has perfected her skills in the fine art of wayang. Additionally, her sweet and innocent exterior pulls the wool over many eyes.
- Someone blatantly nestles in the bosom of those who wield power within the System. Her style of execution on her hapless Target of The Moment is the same - through increased communication, showers of flattery, incessantly asking the aforementioned figure out for lunch every single day and hooking of arms to enforce this.
- When Someone arrived, the Fool was good to her. To integrate Someone into the System, the Fool often took Someone out for lunch, helped Someone out with her assignments and spent weekends with Someone. Someone was immensely disliked by many in a matter of weeks and to cheer Someone up, the Fool showered her with attention. The Fool's best ally then was one of the most influential powers that be. Unknown to the The Fool, Someone was hatching a plan. The Fool's ally was now Someone's Target of the Moment. A liaison with the Fool's ally would increase Someone's power up There. After some time, the Fool realised this but the ally by then, had been won over. When the time was perfect, Someone sent a message to the Fool to sow discord. It was a thinly-veiled trap addressed to the intended receiver - the ally. The Fool saw through this, but was too tired to fight. The Fool conceded defeat and withdrew. The Fool was chided by those in the know for allowing Someone to triumph. The Fool did not want to engage in playground politics and cut off all ties with the ally. By now, Someone had formed a strong circle with the powers that be.This year, Someone had given the unprecedented invitation to the Fool to join this circle with the same tactics. The Fool ignored this.
- Today, the Fool sensed something amiss when Someone threw a discreet cocky glance with a smirk. It was an expression the Fool was familiar with. Someone had thrown daggers behind the Fool's back to the powers that be. The Fool was her casualty yet again.What disgusted the Fool most was Someone's constant self-portrayal as the Innocent Party. Someone had the cheek to send the Fool a message pleading innocence and expressed hurt. The Fool expects dramatic overtures tomorrow.
he who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes.
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