Monday, May 29, 2006

我很想爱他 - Twins

(Click here to download)

天空 下起雨了
The sky's pouring
他撑的伞 在你的身边陪著
He holds the umbrella by your side in companionship
可是我不快乐 因为看见
But I'm not happy because I see
The awkward smile on his face.

我很想爱他 但是眼睛在说谎
I desire to love him, but my eyes tell a lie
隐瞒比较容易吧 免得感情变的复杂
Perhaps it's easier to withold the truth, lest it gets complicated.
我很想爱他 但是理智在吵架
I desire to love him, but logic tussles in my mind
退出可以解围吗 谁能给我一个好回答
Would withdrawing solve this problem?
Who is able to provide a good answer?

爱情 是模糊的
Love has a blurred vision
可怜的是 没有勇气选择
Piteous is the lack of courage to choose
如果 再舍不得
If this lingering continues
这样下去 我们每个人都是受害者
Down the road, all of us will get hurt

When love's hanging by the edge,
Will it always be full of hurts and weariness?
Will it always be bitter beyond words?


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