What Were You Doing At 21?
* Mulling over which university to head for and the course of study to undertake?
* Serving your duty in NS?
* Just started work and received your first paycheck?
* Clinched an overseas scholarship for yourself?
Look at this boy.

What was he doing at 21?
That's right.
He'll never know what it's like to be 21 years of age.
He'll never experience life as a university undergrad.
This is Private First Class Michael S Adams. At the tender age of 20, he is but one of the numerous US war casualties. (click here to view the list)
Is war a necessity? Does the justification of a cause sufficient to snuff out individual lives? Are young people like Michael mere pawns of those who are in power - manipulated and propagated with sufficient propaganda to execute and pave the way while the top brass bestow glory and honour upon those who sacrifice for the nation?
Michael was someone's son, someone's neighbour, someone's classmate, someone's friend. Would he be sent had he been the son of a high-ranking officer? Would his mother be proud of her son's death or would the lady grieve that the little boy who once fell off his bicycle at the age of 3 would never have have his feet on their porch again?
Your guess is as good as mine.
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