"Aaaahhhh!" I shrieked momentarily as the bike jerked and Tianxiang chuckled. Grasping onto Tianxiang for dear life, I survived the first pillion ride of my life. After a while, I must admit that weaving through traffic and feeling the wind in your face literally is rather.....S-H-I-O-K. It was an unexpected experience as Tianxiang offered to pick me up from my home. "Eh, today's mode of transport is different from the night at the Altivo. Bike!" he cautioned and hey presto, he was here in a flash.
I think I'm hooked to the adrenalin rush.
More rides! More bikes! =)

Proof that munchkins should not steer a bike

This looks better. Heh.

Aaaah! Not ready! -click-

Thanks for the ride!

Back to Sanity. =)
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