Saturday, September 02, 2006

A Bug's Life


Many things bug Mich and quite frankly, she's pretty sick of having to put on this stoic stone-faced bravado.

A friend said kindly, "Mich, you can't please everyone. You're not Wonder Woman, you know. You can't solve everyone's problems. You're not a 24-hour Aunt Agony. Everyone comes to you for solutions and even life's decisions but you never turn to anyone for help. Not once. I've known you for so many years and not for once have I seen you visibly worried nor sad. You're always chirpy and acting happy. Take the burden off your shoulders. Stop trying to be everyone's cheerleader." Big Hugs to B who dished out this advice.

Everyone's feelings are a notch above Mich's own. Hesitation is a constant stumbling block simply because she chooses to deflect trouble from others, and instead, grapples to solve surmounting problems on her own. She would rather hurt herself than hurt others. Having experienced life's harsh blows in other aspects (let's save that story for another day), she has learnt to build hermetic walls fortified with arcane hauteur. Trounce upon it and she appears to emerge unscathed. Her work of illusionary nonpareil has been perfected with the cogwheels of time.

Plausibly, a day should arrive when Mich rests her laurels and admit that she's no paragon as much as she strives to be. Perhaps Mich would take her place at the rostrum for once and confront her own skeletons.

Ad interim, the pom-pom toting cheerleader remains effervescent to a fault.

Perhaps Mich is stupid / puerile / naive / ___________.
Fill in the blank with an appropriate adjective. (5 marks)


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