Friday, September 15, 2006


From everything to nothing.

It is difficult to accept that the one who once gave me his utmost attention no longer casts a glance in my direction, much less care about me. A fool to have clutched tightly onto something that was a figment of my imagination, I should have realised that it was long over in your opinion.

A sole regret lingers - despite nuances piling aplenty, your lips departed not the words I'd longed to hear. I'd waited years for those moments which are now locked away as memories. With a single negation, you'd given me the answer that left bitter tears. Wrestling with denial, a part of me fervently hopes that you would turn around, wipe away my tears and with a laugh, tell me that you were pulling my leg.
Touch me before you leave. I watch my familiar scrawls, "Take my hand. If I should slip from yours, it is because you have chosen to let go." Absent-mindedly, I stretch out my hand to hold yours, but wisps of cold air are what I grasp instead.

Love of my life, adieu.
I will miss you.
I'm sorry for the tears I've made you cry
I guess this time it really is goodbye
You made it clear when you said,
"I just don't love you no more."
-- Craig David "Don't Love You No More"


Blogger Leion said...

Be joyous for the cancerous weed is removed.
Be joyous for the invasive intruder need none of your attention.
Be joyous for you can now forcus your energy on the truely worthy seed.

6:35 PM, September 18, 2006  

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