Monday, March 05, 2007

Kristy Needs A Home.

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Kristy was 24 years old when she was diagnosed with leukemia. Two years on, she has lost her house, career, car and fiance. Her brother is trying to get her a new home. To find out more about Kristy, visit

"We're trying to get her a place, or at least a nice down payment on a place. Currently she's still ill and very depressed. The doctor took us aside and told us that even though it looks like she will make it through the physical aspect, her mental state is keeping her from getting any better. She has nothing to look forward in the future. Everything she owns is in a few boxes in my parents garage. She's being fed by a machine that strapped to her back with a tube going into her intestines. She has no clear way of leaving my parents house. Giving her a place of her own will afford a NURSE (once she has the place, insurance will cover the nurse, until then, it's mom), and it will give her independence, and a jump start back to where her life once was. It will give her a piece of her life back. Any amount you can donate would be appreciated."

To donate via paypal or cheque, click here.


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