Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tipper Typer Tip Tip Toe!



Over the next two weeks, I would need to drench myself in lots and lots of tea. Particularly after the March holidays, I've been anchored by work. Save for the time with Daniel, I've had no life on weekdays. My phase of "no life" will stretch till mid-April, after which a short business trip would present a getaway (I hope!) and a new cycle of "no life" would manifest itself again.

Meanwhile, it's 3.25am. I've just sifted through a thorough English lesson plan with accompanying worksheets. Sleep? What sleep? 40 winks would do me good.

Bring on the tea!

[**Note to Daniel: If I should forget to bid you goodbye for your upcoming business trip, here's where & when you'll know I remembered....for now. =) ]


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