Just Trust God.
I was hurt, abandoned and bitter. I wondered why God allowed the vicious cycle to ensue. Embroiled with nothing but pure resentment, I was bitter that despite my determination and success at tucking It away after my trip, God permitted the relentless pursuit. When pickets failed to keep It out, I let my guard down and received nothing in return but a backlash.
I told God that my life wasn't a circus. Coincidences occurred too frequently between us to be rendered anything but a part of God's plan, or as the carnal man would put it, our destiny. Was it part of Your plan to break me, God? I questioned, flabbergasted at the fatality of the move. This was the One thing that was important to me. Having had my life chipped away slowly, could God not spare this last thing that I held close to my heart? If it wasn't meant to be, then why did God allow the pieces to fall in place within these years? What was the purpose of having happiness, only to have it ebb with the tide when the time came? Why did a word matter, a smile reassured and a touch comforted? Seeds were sown and the harvest reaped was that which did not quite tally with the efforts invested.
The Story of the Untold was not one of advocated glory. Was I the dirty little secret or did it matter in the first place? Echoed sentiments of neglect, woe and poignance welted with sheer intensity. The canvas had manifested a myriad worthy of admiration, if only the dots were joined. Why did God, having presented the palette, forgotten to add the nondescript paintbrush?
Convinced that I was robbed of my opportunity, ruminations of regret drew me away from the divine threshold. Healing could not take place when established links were omnipresent.
Today, I read this rather interesting letter by Dawson MacAllister -
You're caught up in three devastating feelings: hurt, abandonment, and doubt.
It can't be easy to be abandoned or to go through all the devastation and pain that comes with losing someone you love.
And there's one thing very certain about what's happening in your life right now. It will change you. For better or for worse, it will change you. During difficult times, you either get stronger in your relationship with Christ or you get weaker. You never stay the same.
But in the middle of such agony and pain, it's hard to see things clearly. It may even be difficult to see God's love. I think about Job, a man in the Old Testament who went through difficult times. He lost his whole family, virtually everything he owned, and went through sickness. He felt like you do now.
Look at what Job said during his difficult times:
If I go to the east, God is not there; if I go to the west, I do not see Him. When He is at work in the north, I catch no sight of Him; when He turns to the south, I cannot see Him (Job 23:8-9).
And I want you to understand, exactly what Job later understood: That no matter what you feel or what happens, God does exist and He deeply loves you. No matter how awful things become, no matter what happens, we can never be separated from God's love.

But you are right. People will let us down even at some of the most critical and difficult times. Jesus learned this the hard way. When He was arrested—for no crime at all—and was about to be killed on a cross, all His disciples, His closest friends, ran away. They left Him at His darkest hour.
When people fail you, though, that doesn't mean that God forgets you. He doesn't. He has a plan for you. So even in the middle of all your heartbreak, tell God. “I'm going to hold on and wait for You to show me Your kindness and Your love, no matter what happens.”
I want you to be able to say what the Psalmist said in Psalm 27:14,
Wait for the Lord's help. Be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord's help.
If you do that, I know what will happen. You will come out of all the pain and be a much stronger person. You will say what Job said:
But God knows the way that I take, and when He tested me. I will come out like gold (Job 23:10).
So hang on, Mich, I know you can make it. You will be happy.
Just trust God.
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