Thursday, August 02, 2007

Just Desserts, Please. No, Not That Which Is Sweet.

The Christian : 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. 20 On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. [Romans 12: 19-21]

The Buddhist : Everyone has these same elements in their lives, the seen and unseen, karma and free will.

The Atheist : What goes around, comes around.


Whichever school of theology you ascribe to, there's just no escaping the fact that you reap what you sow.

Pensive, I mull over the irony of how events have unfolded.

When MF first arrived, she evoked ire amongst many. Sympathetic to her hapless plight, I listened to her grouses and taught her the ropes while cheering her up with treats and such. Little did I know that would be appreciated in the form of deceit, lies, backstabbing, rumours and the wheedling of my closest friend at work away to consolidate her position as this said friend was the HOD. Refusing to indulge in playground politics, I did little to stop her.

MF appeared to be on a roll.

She crafted a clique of carefully-chosen friends, one of whom had been a close church friend but have since been shut out of my life due to MF's presence. MF was boastful, constantly commenting aloud on wielding favour from the Uppers and had a knack of polishing the aforementioned parties' boots. Critical analysis sessions had her scoffing condescendingly that she "only knew how to teach the best pupils". "Stupid pupils", in her words, "had little patience met by her" Many were aghast at MF's blatant lack of tact but mapped out a weak smile for fear of being ousted. Stepping on MF's toes meant elimination as the spike in subsequent resignations illustrated. After all, she had been inducted into the board of key personnel and was capable of sabotage, as exhibited . On a personal level, she was loud, brash and selfish. Once, she snatched a colleague's umbrella from his hands as he was about to leave to fetch his pregnant wife. Adding insult to injury, MF scuttled away in the rain gleefully, leaving him gaping incredulously and us bearing witness to that incident. Miss Drama Queen thought nothing of bursting into tears at work, swaying and feigning a bout of fainting spells (I kid you not) to warrant a convinced audience.

That was then.

Currently, MF has been relegated to teaching a class of weak pupils. Her name is conspicuously missing from the board of key personnel. As for her dubious proclamation of being heir apparent to the position of Mathematics HOD, it is but a figment of imagination on her part with the shuffling of positions recently. Meanwhile, as her circle of friends is peppered with figures of positions and titles, she's apparently left out in the cold for now.

I am vindicated that the tides have turned.

God is fair after all.


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