Monday, October 01, 2007

The Abominable Nose.

Warning : Frivolous post ahead.

The Nose has been up and running since Friday. The Throat decided to jump on the bandwagon. If that wasn't bad enough, I woke up with aching muscles and a Fever today.

As such, this photograph wasn't taken for vanity's sake but to assess the extent of the rickety state of health on my physical attributes. (ie. Do I resemble the Living Dead upon stepping beyond my threshold and thereby, create pandemonium? Ok, I exaggerate, but you get my drift.)

Suffice to say, I had unexpected compliments ranging from "Wow, you look uber young in this pic!" to "You look so different - so elegant, so ladylike." (Thanks, bro. Such altruism.) Now, that certainly left me agape and bewildered.

Medication had better prevail in the battle against my sinu.....*achoo*!


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