Best Friends For Life.

A moment with my best friend, Tricia.
Natter over coffee, we squealed and reminisced our numerous silly escapades.
Yes, I've known her practically all my life.
It all began in kindergarten. Apparently, I was sobbing in the throes of the new environment and she came to wipe my tears away. Adorable, isn't it?
Blessed with being a true-blue tai tai in Indonesia, she whiles her time away doing nothing but shop & dine. (LV, Gucci, Prada, SK2 and the works, mind you.) When she's really bored, she'll stroll into a salon. (The lady blew $600+ recently on having David Gan deal with her coif! A total waste of money, if you were to ask me. Madness! Yes, Mich chided her for frittering that amount on follicles.)
That said, Mich doesn't care if she's the tai-tai that she is or the ordinary N-level holder that she was prior to marriage. Before, Mich would be irked when people raised eyebrows at our different education levels. Scrunched-up noses scorned her qualifications, as if her worth were pegged against it.
This is the girl who's been with me through every single episode of my life. She's celebrated my ups, she's with me through my downs.
Trust, loyalty, kindness, character - these are the traits that Mich ranks high up on her priority list. Save the material saunters for impressing someone else. Not me.
"Best friends for life." she reiterated.
My sentiments exactly. =)
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