Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Progression of Being Stupid.

  1. Transfix your gaze on a random figure.
  2. Construct a pedestal.
  3. Linger with stares of seismic proportions.
  4. Pirouette days, months and years away.
  5. Whoop for joy when Opportunity knocks.
  6. Fritter away time, money and other aspects of Life.
  7. Allow friendships to break down due to avoidance.
  8. Be smug about the embroiled state of affairs.
  9. Smoulder behind smokescreens.
  10. Be contented with the blistering tag of a virtual non-existent public persona.
  11. Pat yourself on the back in glee when tête-à-tête commences behind closed doors.
  12. By all means, putting oneself up for an auction in Hurt is permissible. Stakes are high after all.
  13. Watch as the object of affection comes and goes as it pleases. Ties are bestowed, you tell yourself.
  14. Allow said figure to formulate verbal coagulations and perform its magic to raise eyebrows.
  15. Repeat procedure, only this time, with friends.
  16. Opt for the failproof method that entails maintaining the state of equlibrium lest it rocks the boat.
  17. Let Silence hinge on Hope.
  18. Repress all there is to say, offering pleasantries instead.
  19. Dwell with Escapism within literary perimeters such as this.
  20. Accumulate Experience with tricky trigonometry.
  21. As events are dealt out, remain as pleased as punch that all looks good on your side.
  22. Fan out the cards, convinced that You have a winning hand.
  23. Let down your guard for once, with Vulnerability exposed, thereby asking for Trouble.
  24. Wallow and spiral into depression when aforementioned persona delivers a backhand blow.
  25. Congratulate oneself for forming new alliances with Pretence and Patience.
  26. Tunnel deeper and pile the pickets.
  27. Find solace in a newfound onomatopoeic hobby - Crying.
  28. Abandon groundwork due to proximity.
  29. Assemble regimented contexts.
  30. Wait for a Word.

There You go.

Oh my, what a pun.


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