A Letter for You.

Dear ____________ ,
I want to experience Happiness without You.
All this while, I have been wasting my time, waiting for the Answer. Not contented with nuances, I'd wanted a cemented assurance from You.
Days, months, years - I'd waited for you to drop a word. Stubbornly silent, nary a word parted our lips.
They said You did. Some even asked if You did. I found many excuses, albeit weak ones, to refute those statements.
I'd waited years for You. Surely I wasn't going to give up without a fight?
And fought I did.
It was a battle of loneliness and repression with the internal struggles, the guilt, the what-ifs, the transient bliss preceding an avalanche of wrought emotions and the blatant irony clanging in my face.
Even when I couldn't, I tried. For You.
But when You couldn't, You didn't.
Who was there for You in your abyss? Who was the one who'd spent hours encouraging you to believe in yourself? Who was the one who never put you down? At the end of the day, Mich's sums don't tally as her efforts had been for nought.
You don't need me anymore. And so, doors have been closed.
" I didn't mean to meet you then
We were just kids
I didn't mean for things to go as far as it did
I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
I didn't mean to fall in love but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you did "
Let me move on.
I want to move on.
But You're holding me back. How can I close the chapter if there wasn't a start to begin with? Tangibles are what I need for closure, not notions and such.
Be honest with me. With Yourself.
Did You or didn't You?
That's all I
Was it ever a Yes or a constant No?
Tell me so that I can let go.
Will You?
Yours Sincerely, Mich
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