Of Yins and Youngs.

Home indoctrination propelled me with an inclination towards the English language and culture, weaning on British reading material particularly. Chinese New Year was viewed as a hassle and festivals affiliated with Chinese legends did not register a familarity but Christmas was celebrated with much pomp. Chinese music flooded my ears and I watched Chinese drama serials fervently during prime time. (yes, even the saccharine Qiong Yao serials, but not without a heavy reliance on my precious English subtitles, of course!)
Yet, I was far from being a Chinese maven.
I couldn't speak Mandarin without sounding peculiar. (My friends used to comment that I had the accent of an angmoh when I tried to babble in Mandarin. There's a marked improvement now!) While burrowing through English books was a breeze, trying to string Chinese words and making sense of them in a sentence was particularly taxing on the brain.
Despite being bereft of this language ability, my choice of partners is stagnated within the Chinese gene pool. In a twist of irony, I steer clear of the Caucasian male and am aghast at the Pinkerton Syndrome.
I am a not-quite-Chinese Chinese.
Hear me roar.....in English?
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