Seen on Facebook...
- Promote a service on a networking platform where half of your potential clients have yet to earn a dime.
- Bundle a FREE GIFT (how typical of Singaporeans to get bug-eyed with the four sacred letters, F-R-E-E , right? ) of irrelevance. I'm not sure about you, but what are the chances of the lady crooning, "Sure honey, now that we're done with the aircon servicing, let's have a massage?" Pretty low, I'd bet.
- This takes the cake. We know a picture paints a thousand words and in this case, it masks delicate sensibilities when the precious pixels on expensive advertising space is of the free gift instead of the actual service being promoted. It's akin to promoting There Will Be Blood in the skin of Paul Dono while sidelining Daniel Day-Lewis. [ Aside : Mich has a weakness for Daniel Day-Lewis, Morgan Freeman, Johnny Depp & Leonardo Dicaprio! Acting finesse personified! A must-watch is Daniel Day-Lewis & Leonardo Dicaprio in Gangs of New York. Nope, Mich did not jump on the bandwagon because of the Oscar-milked There Will Be Blood. ]

That said, my air-con tantrum-throwing spasms are inducing a headache. Perhaps I do need this package after all? Hmmm....
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