APRIL's Fools.

Forests are shrinking at an alarming rate. In Indonesia, this is attributed to the prevalence of illegal logging. As much as 70% of Indonesia's logging is illegal and may have consequences for the whole world, including droughts in Australia. El-Nino is critically determined in Indonesia, precipitating the warming up of the Pacific, worldwide atmospheric changes and disruptions of rainfall with deforestation.
"Timber Mafia", a video clip on YouTube (embedding has been disabled), reinforces the consequences of deforestation and points to a key political figure, Abdul Rashid who is believed to siphon 600 000 square kilometres of wood from the National Park annexed in his area of influence on a monthly basis. Stories of violence, aggression and the loss of lives remain abound.
The spotlight shifts to PaperOne, a premium brand of paper that Mich has been using for many years. On its website, PaperOne claims that its paper is not derived from illegal logging sources.

However, PaperOne, owned by Asia Pacific Resource Holdings Ltd (APRIL), is currently facing accusations of human rights violation. This report states that APRIL, whose pulp mill in the Sumatran province of Riau, is the biggest in the world.
What is interesting (or rather, startling) is this revelation - APRIL, which has borrowed heavily from western banks to finance its operations, is based in Singapore. [ Hmmm..... ]
Additionally, APRIL has admitted that it will be destroying at least another 140,000 hectares of rainforest over the next six years. The company has also been involved in a number of high profile land disputes with indigenous peoples.
Ed Matthew, Corporates Campaigner at Friends of the Earth, remarked, “The forests of Indonesia are under unprecedented attack and APRIL is clearing one of the last remaining area of unprotected rainforest left in Sumatra. We call on the global paper industry to take immediate action to stop trading with APRIL. If paper merchants continue to buy APRIL’s PaperOne paper, they will be supporting the destruction of some of the most wildlife rich forest left on earth.”
Let us not be April's Fools, shall we?
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