Monday, October 20, 2008

Keeping Faith.

Faces amongst the congregation encroached in a series of stagnating vignettes, each mien working a smile.

Laughter. Voices. Chatter - The pentameter never plodded. For all of its prowess, Silence resonated most during passive shuffling.

Upon the towering structure, barely recognizable in its element, memories of yonder began to fade.

The child's shadow playfully bound up to earmarked adolescence, vivaciously encysting a lady at her dispense. It was then this cavalier appropriation of her Life with mingled feelings evinced.

As bubbles that swim, on a beaker's brim, broke forth the thought to leave in a flitting gleam.

The child's pleas fell into circumstance.

The Church, her beloved place, had become a wafting presence.

Of lifting ideals - a pressing desire for God, for service, for works to God and not Man - their familiarity lay among knolls adhering to an indurated colour of resolution.

~ Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. ~


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