Love Exemplified -- My Niece's Wedding.
On Saturday, for the first time, I witnessed Love unfolding.
He spoke much, in a smattering of choked emotions.
She said little, but cupped his face.
It was then that I shed tears.
She was her playmate, friend and attended the same junior college, albeit a year younger than Mich.
The child who used to play with Mich when we were young, is a kid no more.
My little girl has grown up.
This is what Love is all about.
Happy Wedding, Niece.
You were, are and will always be the most beautiful Princess in my eyes. =)
= 25 Oct 2008 (Day) =
1. Pretty Niece & Mich
2. Pretty Niece and Mich. Again.
3. FeiFei Steals The Limelight!
4. Niece & FeiFei

= 25 Oct 2008 (Night) =
1. Mich in the car.
2. The Man & Mich
3. Gorgeously tanned Niece & Mich
4. Gorgeously tanned Niece and Mich. Again.
5. Nephew & The Man (They were college mates in VJC, attended the same private tuition group, landed up in the same company eons later and are now family, thanks to Mich.)
6. Wedding Cake
7. Ballroom
8. The Man & Mich. =)
9. Pretty tealight
10. Mich Beams
11 - 13. Photoshoot in London.
14. 1st Bridal March
15. Cutting the cake.
16 - 18. Champagne Toast.
19. Groom's speech that tugged at heartstrings.

The entire process of the secret proposal was filmed.
"Will you marry me?" danced the lights merrily along the evening beach.
In that sweetest moment, in her diving gear, wet hair and all, her eyes gleamed and twinkled.
Now, who wouldn't say yes to that?

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