Are You A Neo-Con?
- Centrist – Just what it sounds like. Someone who doesn’t have any particularly strong ideological leanings in any direction.
- Conservative – Specifically a "fusionist" conservative of the National Review - Heritage Foundation mold. Someone who believes in traditional morality and capitalism, and the need for a limited government to allow both to flourish.
- Left-libertarian – The quiz uses a mild definition of a left-libertarian, an anti-statist who is somewhat fearful of corporate and religious influence on public life.
- Liberal – Supports economic regulation to promote social justice and takes a progressive stance toward moral or cultural issues.
- Libertarian – A libertarian opposes most or all government activites. Does not favor much or any government support for either moral or economic systems.
- Neoconservative – A "neocon" is more inclined than other conservatives toward vigorous government in the service of the goals of traditional morality and pro-business policies. Tends to favor a very strong foreign policy of America as well.
- Paleoconservative – "Paleocons" want less US involvement in foeign affairs than other conservatives and oppose mass immigration. They are also more favorably disposed toward the South and the idea of secession, or at least decentralization, than neoconservatives.
- Paleo-libertarian – Similar to other libertarians except for oppostion to mass immigration, and shares the paleocon appreciation of the South.
- Radical – Critical of bouregois morality and strongly opposed to capitalism and willing to use state power to achieve desired ends.
- Third-way – More supportive of foreign intervention than liberals and less supportive of economic regulation, coupled with more-or-less progressive social views. "Third-way" is to liberal what neoconservative is to conservative.
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