Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Michelle Obama is Master of the TV Remote

Everyone knows that whoever is in command of the remote control really does run the entire household - and the same seems to be true of the Obama family.
Michelle Obama: He may be leader of the free world, but she holds the remote control
Michelle Obama: Sitting beside her husband on election night, holding the remote control

This role has traditionally been assigned to the male of the house, as if he were the natural leader of the family, and its entertainment.
But despite Barack Obama being elected as leader of the free world, his wife clearly rules the roost in the Obama household.

Shown sitting beside her husband on election night, he sits relaxed in his shirt sleeves, while it is Michelle who has the remote in her hand.

Further evidence of the balance of power that we can expect to witness in the Obama family was also seen when the couple visited Washington.

While Mr Obama stayed behind in the White House chit chatting with lame-duck President George W Bush, Michelle Obama wasted no time in setting off to visit local schools.

It was also recently reported that Mrs Obama is fearsomely well-organised, always carrying two BlackBerrys with her - one for her work, and one for the campaign. She has kept her job, albeit now part-time, as Vice President for Community and External Affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals.

In addition to this, she will look after her daughters while her husband is on the road.

While Mrs Obama insists she would have no policy role in the White House, it is clear that she is unlikely to be a figure who fades away in the background over the coming months.

[ Source : Telegraph ]


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