An Ounce of Truth.
Why is it so difficult for me to walk away from You?
Lips have been pursed and scorn dripped with disdain. Much has been opined on what must be done. They say I should get a new mobile number, change my MSN account & email and in essence, block off all access between us.
In this digital age, communication can be crippled at a click.
It's simple, isn't it? Mouse over "delete" (or other synonyms to this effect) and pronto, out of sight, out of mind.
Admittedly, I lack the kind of courage that is scarcely akin to that of warriors battling.
I'm afraid.
There, I've said it.
I'm afraid to lose You.
Excuse me while I qualify that statement...
I'm afraid to lose the memories attached to you like little Post-it Notes flapping periodically. I'm afraid that the lack of visual aids (viz-a-viz the likes of MSN, Facebook, etc.) will render you to be nothing but a boxed-up yesterday. Such tangibles remind me that you exist, thus offering a reassurance of slight that we share a blanket of stars and are looking on the same side of the moon. Like an old friend, it offers solace to
I don't suppose I'm making much sense to the level-headed individual.
What has transcended is an emotional dependency.
You've become my comfort and shelter, a safety-stop of sorts, if You'd please. Whenever I'm struck with not knowing what to do or whom to turn to, I'd somehow find myself running to You. You'd hide me from the ways of the world with your reassuring words. All fears would be alleviated and troubles would ebb in trickling waves.
If I should cease to hold you in my mind at random will, I'd stand to lose the pillar that defines my very being . Yes, You define Me.
To reject the notion of You would be vacating that spot to a capricious vaccuum with boots that none can quite fill.
Oh well.
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