"Mich, You're Stronger Than This."

I was on the brink of giving up on myself. To cast untold cares to the wind.
Sleep - a world of escapism in which I am at helm. Nobody to hold me ransom to, no burdens to speak of, no disappointment and at the very least, a break from reality.
And so, sleep I have. A Sunday's worth of shut-eye.
Something stirs within.
This will not be 2007.
I will not let it be 2007. I will not be left whimpering in straggly strands.
There's too much to be done.
I will not be crippled nor incapacitated by You this time.
It's not as if I'm alone with none who cherishes me. He loves me more than You ever can/will. Why should I crumble for nought?
Yes, I'm sad. Yes, I'm hurt.
Yes, I'm disappointed that The Event of 2007 (click the link to refresh your memory) has fleshed out yet again without warning.
In time to come, I may be taken in by You once more (as I always have, a willing fool), but I will not let this ebb my life the way it had in 2007.
In the words of Bryan, "Mich, you're stronger than this."
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