Thursday, February 12, 2009

Am I Materialistic To You? -- The Great Misconception

Being approached by an Israeli man for the first time, I was naturally flattered to say the least. Initially wary of this stranger that riveted his attention on me, I let down my guard as the conversation flowed freely.

Much was said about Singaporeans (by him).

The Singaporean indentation did not put the nation in a flattering light -
  • Materialistic
  • Females were gold-diggers
  • Parents with ill-disciplined children (I could not agree more!)
Because Mich displayed de rigeur tout ensemble - being "well-dressed", "holding an iPhone" and "carrying an LV bag" - he found it hard to believe that Mich was not the least bit interested in rich men, as he tried to drive home that notion.

"Look at you!" he exclaimed, heralding Mich's prime indicants of monetary fervour (and favour, no doubt).

45 minutes later, he was "impressed" that Mich was "very different from the Singaporean girls" he had dated and asked me out. (For the record, Mich declined. She's not an easy girl who goes out with strangers at the drop of a hat. Perish that thought!)

Nevertheless, it was one of the most interesting conversations Mich has had.

It sparked Mich's cogitation - Does she appear materialistic to you?

To clear the air, Mich's scheme of thought applies as follows -
  • The most important thing is Love, not money. Money is important, but it does not occupy the top spot. No amount of money can conjure magical moments and sparkling eyes.
  • Women should not burden men with the expectation and demands of purchasing big-ticket items items of their whim and fancy. Such girls are useless in Mich's eyes and men would be better off without them.
  • Mich does not need a man to support her monetarily. It does not mean that the man is financially crippled nor incapable of raking in the cash. Mich is fully capable of earning her own dough and buying what she wants. She takes great pride in that. She's independent, but not a feminist. Which brings us to the next point...
  • The man should take the lead in the relationship, regardless of how capable the woman is. His opinion should be sought even though the woman's decision is resolute.
  • Respect the man in the presence of his peers and he will greatly appreciate it. (I'm quite sure most men will agree on this!)
  • Learn to be understanding and not expect the world to revolve around you constantly. The less you demand, the more you'll receive.
  • You could ask but not demand nor insist that the man pick you up if he's in Jurong and you're in, say, Siglap. Singapore has an efficient transport system. Take the cab, train or bus if the man is unable to fetch you.
That said, are you surprised?

Was that very different from your impression of Mich?

Tell me. I would love to know. =)


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