Move Over, Pyramids. Here Come The Corals!

Colonies of gold coral Gerardia can persist for more than 2700 years.
Giant deep-sea corals don't get around much, but what they lack in mobility they make up for in longevity. A new study has discovered that some coral colonies can "live" for more than 4000 years, showing that the animals grow far more slowly than was thought.
It is this extremely slow growth that is the secret of the corals' long life, says Brendan Roark, at Texas A&M University.
The finding may have grave implications for the conservation of the corals' ecosystems. "Because corals are so big, they form the habitat for many other species in the coral bed and if you take them away, it will take thousands of years for similarly sized organisms to grow back," says Roark.
The gold coral Gerardia and the black coral Leiopathes both grow several metres tall, at depths of up to 500 metres in oceans around Hawaii. Whilst other studies had estimated their age at between a few hundred years and at most 3000 years, Roark argues that what had been considered "annual" growth rings actually take much longer to form.
Real slow
The polyps that form coral are able to create massive reefs of the mineral calcium carbonate (CaCO3) over long time periods by adding successive thin layers to the base of the "cups" in which they live.
Using high-resolution radiocarbon dating, his team first studied Hawaiian corals for traces of "bomb-carbon" – a radioactive carbon isotope produced during nuclear tests in the 1950s. They found it only in wafer-thin (10-micrometre) layers on the outermost part of corals' skeleton. This suggests that even these tiny accretions took decades to build up.
Further carbon-dating measurements from layers deep inside the corals then revealed the oldest Gerardia samples to be 2742 years old, while the Leiopathes had been growing for a whopping 4265 years. This doesn't mean that the individual animals that secrete the coral themselves live for so long, just that the hollow "skeletons" they grow.
Jewellery ban
Roark asks for a permanent ban on using Gerardia in the jewellery trade – there is currently a five-year moratorium on its use – and for protection of coral beds from deep-sea fishing.
"On a human timescale, there is no sustainable harvest of these animals", he says. "We know next to nothing about how they spawn, settle and regenerate, but I have seen very few younger and smaller colonies, so even slow regeneration might not be a very likely option."
Roark also hopes that preserving the coral could be useful for humans: "Given their slow growth, we may be able to use them as high-resolution records of past climate change".
Source : NS, 23 March 2009
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