Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Happy 4th Wedding Anniversary @ F0rlin0.

Happy 4th Wedding Anniversary!

The Man and I celebrated this special occasion with a 6-course set meal (yes, 6 courses each!) at the following restaurant @ One Fullerton.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Aside from the breathtaking ambience and view, this epicurean enclave served delightfully succulent palatables. Kudos to the excellent service rendered by the manager, who bantered candidly and cracked a few jokes as he remarked that The Man appeared to be 'rather serious'. (Those who are familiar with The Man, like my hao peng you Leion, would know that this is far from the truth!) This somewhat sombre expression would be primarily attributed to The Man having slaved at work for 12 hours prior to our dinner.

Despite being worn out after work, The Man insisted on dining on our actual anniversary instead of adhering to my suggestion of having a belated celebration.

To top it off, he bought Mich a pair of Christian Dior shades. It wouldn't have mattered if it were cheap pasar malam shades instead of this rather expensive pair.

What matters most is the effort and thought undertaken.

That said, isn't The Man sweet indeed?

**More pics will be uploaded in Facebook. As you may have noted of late, there are scarcely any pics uploaded here as Facebook has predominantly been my platform of choice for recent photographs.


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