
It's sad how the rain does fall.
One by one, these drops do trickle.
But never do they come together. [Mich]
All I need is Time.
All I want is Time.
And Time, is but elusive amidst the shifting sands.
I dreamt of You thrice in a week - You told me the truth that I'd been waiting for.
They said that Time would heal all wounds.
Will it?
It's been almost 5 years.
When will it be Time?
Time to move on.
Time to forget.
Time to stop scurrying to You whenever You beckon.
Time to stop falling prey to your honeyed words and sweet gestures.
Time to stop wondering when (not if) there'll be a next Time.
Time to realize that for all that You've done,
I will, and can never, be with You.
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