Cha-Cha-ing Away From Chagrin.

There are reasons aplenty for the cheshire grin plastered across my mien :
- Vindicated! Good always triumphs over evil - With Honesty and Integrity, I refused to participate in playground politics nor cower in the face of false accusations that had been hurled (and since retracted) by a certain antagonist. In a matter of 3 days, the offending party has not only voluntarily retracted her statements but has meekly attempted to placate me upon the realisation of her folly in turning against me.
- Had a simple but happy dinner with The Man.
- A couple of messages from friends abroad. A little gesture can mean so much.
- A particular call from Canada. I cannot wait for her to return! =)
Let God.
Day by day, Mich is finally learning what this adage truly means. =)
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