Friday, October 29, 2010

These Yellowed Pages.

She's still wearing that grin from His words yesterday. (Hooray!) =)

To You :
If this is it, do not return and wreak havoc in Mich's life again.
If this is to be, then let Mich live in peace.
If You did care for Mich, if ever You did so, then close this chapter in Mich's life.

Tell Her that It once was.
She needs to be told.
She has much to say to You but these words would probably lay in quandry within.
She does not want to live the rest of her life with the singular notion - If.
Thereafter, let her drift away once she has found that inner peace.

Let Her go.
Just as she had loosened her grip on You all those years ago.

"You are my special one." - Its recollection brings a sad smile to her mien.


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