Me-Shell Me-Shall Take The Bull By Its Horns.

To overcome one's fear, one must face up to it.
And yes, I've thought hard about it. I shall. I will.
It is not in my personality makeup to shun and avoid. I am not one who is afraid to question, so why do I hem and haw when it comes to, well, It?
F.E.A.R - This singular notion of heightened emotion ensures that rationale goes the way of the chute.
Burrowing my head does not make the problem go away. In fact, the converse is true - it allows the problem to linger, fester and brew with malice. So much for being erudite, eh?
This chip has been on my shoulders for the last 6 years. It has worn me down considerably, for I had held my silence.
Life is too short for Regrets. As cliched as this adage is, it wields an ounce of truth nonetheless.
I have the rest of my Life ahead of Me.
Therefore, I shall do what is Best, for Me.
This has shrouded half my life (read:16 years) and wrangled me for the last 6 (years). Whatever the Outcome, let it be a Lesson learnt - one that is taught to Me.
After all,
I am a teacher, aren't I?
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